November 07, 2008

Missile attack on the USA

[IV.99] The brave eldest son of a king's daughter will drive the Celts back very far. He will use thunderbolts, so many in such an array, few and distant, then deep into the West

An Eastern army commander will defeat the French. Then he will concentrate on the Americas, launching missiles on them from Europe.

The use of atomic weapons

[V.8] There will be let loose living fire and hidden death, fearful inside dreadful globes. By night the city will be reduced to rubble by the fleet, the city on fire, helpful to the enemy

A very striking description of a nuclear missile and bomb attack from a fleet in the sea which reduces an unspecified city to rubbles within a night. The description of living fire and hidden death inside dreadful globes is quite an imaginative description of nuclear bombs.

India & Pakistan

[X.96] The Religion of the name of the seas will win out Against the sect of the son of "Adaluncatif": The stubborn, lamented sect will be afraid of the two wounded by A and A.

The religion of the name of the seas may be "Hindu". The word Indian came from the word Hindu and Indians call the Indian Ocean "Hind Mahasagar (Ocean)" and India as "Hindustan", literally meaning the land of the Hindus. No other major religion has any remote connection in its name with any ocean.

"Adaluncatif" - whatever or whoever this is, this surely is a Muslim sounding name. The sect of the son of Adaluncatif is then Islam. "The stubborn, lamented sect" - Nostradamus's way of describing Islam). "A & A" - the name of the person "Adaluncatif" contains these initial alphabets.

May be some thing like Acdun-al-Atif (Abdul-al-Atif?) or something close. What is apparent is that "Adaluncatif" - a Muslim will carry out an attack against the people whose religion is of the name of the seas (probably Hindus) who, in turn, will then retaliate causing the Muslims to fear them.

This might indicate a future attack on two senior Indian leaders by Islamic Terrorists, which will injure the two leaders, but will fail to kill them. These leaders will then order retaliatory attacks on Pakistan, which will cause fear among them. Ultimately, India will win the war against Pakistan.

The french leader "CHIREN"

[II.79] The man with curly, black beard will subdue the cruel and proud nation through skill. The great CHIREN will take from afar all those captured by the Turkish banner.

"Chiren" is repeatedly mentioned as a hero in the prophecies. Elsewhere he has been mentioned as the French Christian King of the world. Is Chiren the present French President Nicolas Sarkozy? Or maybe the Canadian (french) President Cheretien as one of the visitors to this site suggested. Here it appears that Chiren will rescue those captured earlier by Turkish forces. Some say that "Chiren" is the same person who is the "awaited one" - the second coming of Jesus who will kill the Anti-Christ.

One physical description of the future king and emperor, provided by the seventeenth-century commentator David Poreaus, states that he will have a large forehead, dark eyes, brown hair, and a hawk nose (an accurate description of French President Nicolas Sarkozy). He is "Huge, the brown-haired, the irresistible" to the Irish prophet St. Columbkille.

Nuclear attack on France (2009-2010)

[V.98] At the 48th degree of the climacteric, the end of Cancer there is a very great drought. Fish in the sea, river and the lake boiled hectic, Bearn & Bigorre in distress from fire in the sky

Another description of a fragment of the Comet falling near the 48th parallel during July/August. The intensity of heat of large burning fragments will boil the water of nearby sea, river and lakes. Burning comet pieces will rain down from the sky on the cities.

Nuclear attack on the USA (2009-2010)

[II.91] At sunrise a great fire will be seen, noise and light extending towards the North. Within the globe death and cries are heard, death awaiting them through weapons, fire and famine

A general description of the Comet striking the earth. After the fragments enter the atmosphere, they will be burning from friction. The effects will be felt particularly in the Northern hemisphere, mostly in Europe and Northern America. WW-III is already in the full swing and will continue afterwards. Death will come to multitudes through war, the comet-strike and famine.